
Showing posts from 2010
HAVE A LOOK AT IT ........................................................... Life is a journey You are never dealt the hand you desire. You will come up against obstacles that are tough Questions that cannot be answered or A Relationships you will have problems in Your heart will beat, you will sweat You will cry your eyes out , and You will quit..., and try again Everything obstacle you see in life is achievable you must overcome the obstacles that are in you. To overcome yourself is the key to Happiness. Remember, Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond all measure.
WHY JAVA DOES NOT HAVE POINTERS ................................................................................................................. Well, it's debatable whether Java does or doesn't support pointers.Some would say that everything (well, every reference type) in Java is a pointer -- hence, the ever-familiar NullPointerException. But certainly, these reference types do not give one the sort of direct interaction with memory that we're familiar with from pointers in. Instead, all objects are handled by references, not to be confused with pointers or C++ references. The difference is that Java references do not refer directly to the memory location , but rather contain the pointer to the actual memory location, which the programmer cannot get direct access to. It is also true that pointers are dangerous and lead to memory leaks, memory corruption, invalid memory access, e.g. from uninitialized and improperly initialized variables, indexing out of bounds, a...